Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Get the guide.

When I was enrolled in college there was so much to it. Initally, I had to take the entrance tests, submit high school transcripts, do essays, take tours, and then go to interviews.

Now, it seems so much easier! With Capella University you can actually request a university guide online!

Going to school online has been a great thing for people working or who have hectic schedules and are unable to go to a traditional classroom.

At one point when I first resigned I was interested in going back to further my education. I looked at some online classes and decided that I'd wait because they seemed to expensive.

The reality for me is that I should probably take a few classes just so that I'm marketable when I choose to return back to work.

Unfortunately, there are places out there that don't value the whole "stay-at-home-mom" gig.

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