Monday, January 01, 2007

Feel like crap

This morning I woke up and felt like absolute crap. I have cramps, I'm bleeding like a stuffed pig, and I feel hung over!

We played video games til 3:30 in the morning so I'm really sure that didn't help much.

I just want this whole miscarriage thing to be over! Mentally I feel like I'm better and only cried once yesterday. (Not that that's the only indicator) But I just want to stop bleeding!

Last night I started taking Glucophage and started back on the prenatal vitamin. I figured the glucophage can't help and it might even help with egg quality. I am going to ask and see if I can get a 2 hour glucose test done to see if the metformin will actually help with egg quality.

No use in taking the med if it isn't going to help!

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