Thursday, January 25, 2007

Places to live...

At one point when we were thinking of where we wanted to live we considered San Francisco and Austin. Back in 2000 or so we decided to move to San Francisco. We went out there - both got jobs and started looking for housing.

At that point the dot coms were the hottest thing and really driving the whole economy out there. When we looked we'd be paying about $1,500 and that would be for a studio apartment!

After coming back to Ithaca we started getting moving quotes from the local moving companies and then started working on our housing resume! A few weeks after we had everything lined up -- Margot's job with SWA got rescinded!

We decided just to stay put in Ithaca, buy a house, and have babies!

One city that's also very metropolitan and seems gay friendly is Boston. We would have probably been interested in Boston Condos. I think condos really offer the best of both worlds. Nice living space and sometimes the costs are cheaper than owning and maintaining a house.

Boston Condo Company offers a great website and a full set of listings for people looking to move to the Boston area. You can see pictures and even contact an agent via email or phone.

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