Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Shrinky Dink appointment.

Well, I went for my much needed shrink appointment and it was nice to talk to her about what's been going on - going to the Philippines, sperm donor issues, not getting pregnant, family.

She thinks that I should just let the sperm donor thing go. Margot's brother has already agreed to do the inseminations over the next two months. I just need to go along with it without thinking or reading into anything else. Much less, worry about it all.

She thinks my anxiety is somewhat justified considering all that we've been through and all of the planning that we have to do for each cycle. One thing that she mentioned was getting Margot more involved with all of this - including the decision making for the upcoming sperm donor when/if we do IVF.

So last night we chose the sperm donor. We thought were were going to go with the Architect but after buying his $70 profile we realized that he was a smoker. Not only is that distgusting ... but it can really disturb the sperm and cause them to be bad.

So we found this guy who seems really nice, he's 6'2", Chinese, and a teacher! The bad part is he's not a known donor. I really think it's cultural for these Chinese donors to want to remain anonymous. I mean it is a big step to donate and then not know what's going to happen in 18 years when 20 of your off spring come knocking on your door!

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