Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Do you need a little motivation?

Lately, with feeling sick I've been feeling anything but motivated! Sometimes I just need a good kick in the pants, other times I need something inspirational to get me back in gear.

Now there's a motivation software that might do just the trick. I've never been much into meditation -- partly because the whole time I'm suppose to be meditating I'm thinking about all of the stuff that has to be done and I become more anxious!

Maybe with the new motivation software offered through I can wake up every morning ready to do tons of work, clean the house, and also spend great learning and fun time with Graem.

When you go to the website the signup button instantly appears that allows you to sign up for the newsletter and also $4,000 in self help freebies. Unfortunate for me...the popup covers the rest of the website so I can't even read what else they offer!

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