Sunday, February 11, 2007

Uh oh.

So yesterday when I spoke with the doctor he said I could either take the meds or wait til Monday when they had my blood results. In hopes that by Monday my progesterone levels would have gone down.

I decided to go ahead and start up meds last. I did some research and found that the meds will not increase progesterone and really I have nothing to lose. Especially, if we were going to end up doing this cycle contrary to what the results were on Monday's bloodwork.

I also wanted this cycle to be consistant with the last IUI that resulted in a pregnancy.

So I had 5 shots last night! I had to finish up two of the Gonal-F pens that had about 75ius each in. I also did a little more of the meds than was written on my sheet. I figure I did it last time and it acted as somewhat of a boost.

I'll go Monday for my bloodwork and I'm pretty sure that the levels should have gone down. When thinking about it...I took my meds late last Friday (midnight) and then I went to get my blood taken 7 hours later - so it makes sense that my P4 levels were high.

Boy, I think the infertility meds are really starting to make me coo coo. I just can't imagine losing 16-18 good follicles on a little progesterone reading. Most doctors don't even do a progesterone reading!

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