Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Ultrasound and Bloodwork today - CD 7

I was going to do my bloodwork and ultrasound tomorrow but decided to go ahead and get it done today. Margot was home with Graem and it was a ghost town at the hospital due to all of the snow!

My u/s went good as far as I know. They basically sent the report to CNY and I couldn't even see the monitor! All I know is that it took her forever to do all of the measurements and so I'm guessing that I had a lot of good looking follicles.

My lining was 12. Which is really good. I just hope it stays nice and fluffy til the insemination!

My E2 was 450 or something like that. That is just a tad bit lower than it was this time last cycle.

So, I feel that I'm on track to have another good cycle. I wouldn't mind if things slowed down a little and I got a little bit more "quality" eggs this time.

God, I hope this works.

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