PayPerPost has started doing something called segmentation. It basically uses a couple of different factors including: Google page rank, type of blog, demographics, and tack rate. The whole idea is to provide advertisers with an option to target their advertising.
When I do advertising for my business I always look at what audience I'm trying to attract as well as the cost involved. I'd much rather spend more money on advertising to target it to a certain audience.
The great thing is with the segmentation is that you might be the blog that gets offered $1,000 to write a post because your blog is so specialized and that's what the advertiser is looking for! There are tons of opps out there that are paying big bucks and I've been eligible for a few of them.
I guess I'm just waiting to hit the motherload - aka $1,000 post!
One thing I can appreciate about PPP is that they are doing business smart and not trying to make too much money too fast. They charge a 35% service charge to their advertisers compared to the 100% service charge that competitors such as ReviewMe charge.
As an advertiser I'd want to know that I'm working with a professional, consistent, and developed paid for blogging company --- I'd choose PPP in a second.
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