Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Grammy would love this!

Graem loves her dolls. We have no idea where she gets it from because God knows Margot and me are not the "girly" type to say the least!

She will put on and take off the baby's diaper about 100 times a day. Then she tries to put her baby into clothes that are way too small or tries to put a leg through an arm hole.

Sometimes, I think that the babies cause her more grief than they are worth!

When she gets a little bit older I think she's going to love Dress Up Games. You can actually dress and build your own doll on TheDollPalace.com. How cool!

Here are some great examples of the dolls you can build:

I'm actually going to try to do one of these to depict Graem! You can pick the style of avatar, along with the theme, and background props too! There is so much to choose from I can see myself becoming obsessed with this within a matter of minutes!

The cool thing about dolls that you make is that you can use them for forums, chats, and competitions.

I'm going to have to show Graem this! Of course, I can see my two year old hogging the computer and saying "Mine do it!"

This post sponsored by: TheDollPalace.com

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