Wednesday, March 07, 2007

What a day...

This morning we woke up, got dressed, and I dropped the keys off at the mechanics. Last night when we went to drop the keys and the car off we realized that the drop box for the keys was a mailbox and you could reach your hand in there and get the keys out.

So, with our better judgement we decided to play it safe than sorry and drop the keys off this morning!

I also picked up Dunkin' Donuts for Grammy's teachers. They are always so nice to us and we just love them to death.

Went to buy stuff at Target.

Then I went for the infamous Melissa Massage! It was amazing.

She also referred me to a massage therapist professor that does Mayan Massage. It's suppose to be a special massage that actually helps promote blood flow in the uterus, tips the uterus a little and help with infertility.

I'm going to give her a call and see if I can get some treatments when I we do the upcoming IVF.

At this point I'm ready to do voo-doo or witchcraft - if that's what it takes!

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