Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I can't believe my life and I'm not sure it could get much worse than this.

I got the call from the Fertility Center and I didn't ovulate. My ultrasound today revealed that I don't have a dominant follicle and more than likely I'm not going to ovulate this month.

Shit. So much for doing a natural cycle without the help of meds or reproductive assistance.

It makes me feel like this whole weekend was a waste. That my hope that this could work was a waste.

As if that wasn't bad news. On my way home I call to check the answering machine. The insurance company has called with a response to the appeal and so I call them back.

Our appeal was denied.

They said that I didn't prove medical neccessity.

I'm heartbroken and just can't get over how heartless, cruel, and corrupt these insurance companies are.

I'm tired of fighting and I feel so pissed about all of this I can't even explain it.

Not to mention --- I keep thinking back to had I not had the miscarriage I wouldn't have to deal with any of this and I'd be about 20 weeks.

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