Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Fucking bastards.

So, I've been on the phone all day with the Fertility Center and Blue Cross Blue Shield. It appears even after the most recent stint of 3 injectible IUIs I've been denied for IVF coverage.

I'm so damn frustrated I could spit.

The last letter I got from BCBS stated that I had to do the three injectible IUIs and then they would approve IVF.

Now, they are coming back and saying that I didn't meet their "medical necessities standards."

However, when CNY called they said that because I had the miscarriage that it starts back at 1 and that I'd have to have 11 more IF procedures.

So, I'm going to call CNY first thing tomorrow morning and get all of this straightened out. Also, Margot's going to draft a letter for Dr. K to sign.

Obviously BCBS says that I don't have an infertility diagnosis.

Jesus Christ -- after $45,000, 12 procedures, meds out the wazoo, a miscarriage -- what other diagnosis do I need to be considered infertile?!?!?!?!?!?!?


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