Monday, March 05, 2007


Well, I got the call and my pregnancy test came back negative. All I can say is "shit."

I knew it was going to be negative and I think that helps...but I still feel sad.

I can only look forward and become excited about the next step which is IVF and using Margot's brother as our donor. That was our original plan years ago and it just didn't work out.

Now, we actually get to try it at a different stage in our lives.

I think for now though...I'll stay sad. It's not as easy to move on these days.

Plus, they want me to stay on my meds for the next 2 days and go back in for another blood test. I'm going to stick with it. Cause at this point what's 4 more shots? I've done over 100 already and I'd hate to really screw things up by not following doctor's orders.

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