Thursday, August 30, 2007

Yesterday's appt.

Well, I got there and instantly was seen. Then the doctor stepped in. I was somewhat suspicious since I had complained to the nurse a few days before about being part of the IVF program and them having to fit me into the upcoming cycle!

So, he did the ultrasound and the NP was with him. We talked about different things we could try and he suggested IviG and acupuncture. I told him I was game for acupuncture but we couldn't afford the $2,500 that IviG costs.

Then he asked if there's anything better they can be doing. I know that was probably my time to say "Yeah, I got pissed at the fact that you guys didn't have a spot for me to cycle on the protocol that worked so well for me in the past."

Instead, I just said "I just want a baby and after 13 negatives, one positive and a miscarriage....I just want a baby."

I think either way...he can tell at this point that I'm desperate and despite what happened days before it seems like he's really going to try to make it happen.

The U/S and B/W went fine and I didn't have any cysts. So I start up my meds Friday. Of course, I got the med sheet and instead of doing 75ius of Repronex .. he's increased it to 150ius. Which meant that I had to bust my ass to get some Repronex on one of the websites that allows people to (illegally) sell their IVF meds.

I was able to get 11 vials for $250+ shipping. That would have cost me almost $800 at our local pharmacy.

It's weird cause this cycle seems like no other. I'm not overly excited to begin and I'm not anxious either. I can honestly say...I feel so neutral about's like it's not even happening.

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