Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Twenty one big ones!

Well, I posted on the main board but thought that I'd get more specific here. We went in for egg retrieval this morning and I was a bit nervous because we were the second group to go and they started 30 minutes late!

Of course, every minute I'm getting nervous that I ovulate.

Finally, anethesiologist walks in and starts up the meds. For some reason as the nurse is getting my downstairs ready for the operation I start talking about shaving?!?!

For lack of a better explaination -- I've decided not to shave this cycle. I figure every other cycle I've shaved legs, armpits, and downstairs and I'm going commando this time. Maybe those embryos are geting cold without hair...who knows.

I think not taking this cycle so literally has really helped. Icecream, coffee, and overeating has also helped.

Tonight I'm going to eat a meal high in carbs and for snack today I had half a jar of peanut butter - straight up.

I took a two hour nap and I'm still feeling pretty crappy. My tummy feels pretty yucky and let me tell you....I feel like I've overeaten and need to throw up.


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