Friday, May 16, 2008

Excited and scared.

Last week I went to the midwife because I felt tons of pressure and assumed the baby dropped. I was a total wreck. I think I felt hurried.

I also had this whole idea that I would make it to 37 week and since day 1 that had been my goal.

When I was in the waiting room I had tons of contractions and then all of a sudden I get my blood pressure taken and it's on the high side.

So I assume that things aren't going good and of course I get worked up and start crying! I was also scared because I had told Margot that there was no need for her to come to the appointment and I'd call her if I needed her.

Well, that was probably the *one* appointment where I really needed her there!

All things worked out and I'm guessing it was just some fluky pregnancy thing where I tweak out and then I'm fine!

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